Thankfulness despite circumstances

It seems appropriate that on the first day of November that I would be thinking about the things that I am thankful for.  It is sad that it often takes major tragedies or significant negative life events to shift focus to thankfulness for what we have.  Yet so often we forget that things could almost always be worse than what we are experiencing.

·         I am thankful that despite a serious car accident yesterday that I am relatively uninjured (sore and bruised only).

·         I am thankful that Jaelyn was not with me when the accident occurred.

·         I am thankful for supportive and loving parents who will drop anything to help me if I need it.

·         I am thankful for my wonderful daughter, who was quick to take care of me the last two days as I recover from the car accident.

·         I am thankful that I can afford to buy a reliable vehicle to replace my totaled van.

·         I am thankful for a warm dry home with electricity.

·         I am thankful for a full-time job that provides for our needs.

·         I am thankful for a job that I enjoy.

·         I am thankful for the many wonderful friends who have volunteered their time and help repeatedly if I need it.

·         I am thankful for food in the house and gas in the car.

·         I am thankful for a supportive and caring school environment for Jaelyn.

·         I am thankful for a caring and supportive church family.

·         I am thankful for the many people who continue to encourage me with cards, words, and prayers.

·         I am thankful for caring and supportive parents-in-law, sisters-in-law, brother-in-law, niece, and nephew, as well as the extended family.

·         I am thankful that Scott planned for the future and despite the unexpected car accident, I don’t have to worry about the unexpected expense of another car.

·         I am thankful to have had fifteen years with Scott, although I hoped for many more than we were given.

·         I am thankful for supportive and encouraging co-workers and supervisors.


There are so many more things that I could add to this list.  I know that there are many little things that I am thankful for and I’m sure that there are still some big things that I am thankful for that I have not remembered to put on the list.  These are the items that come quickly to mind with thinking about my mother-in-law’s stroke, Scott’s death, the hurricane, and my car accident.  My faith in God and trust in Him are the only reason that I am not curled up in a ball on my couch, and that I have the ability to be thankful for the things listed as well as those that I have not listed.   God and being thankful for what I have are the only reasons I am able to smile, laugh, and function mostly normally despite the tragedies and hurdles of this past year. 


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