Blessed by Jaelyn

There are still so many moments when this still doesn’t feel real.  I still expect Scott to walk through the door.  It is hard to comprehend almost four months later.  I can’t believe Scott is gone and our lives changed completely in literally a blink of an eye, without warning.  Thirteen and a half years of marriage is not enough.

I think about Jaelyn and what a massive loss this is for her.  I cannot imagine who I would be without my dad and his influence on my life growing up.  I cannot begin to comprehend how this huge a loss at such a young age has and will change Jaelyn as she grows up without Scott.  I am beyond thankful and grateful that she had such a wonderful father who loved her so much and spent so much time with her.  I am amazed at how “normal” Jaelyn is despite everything.  She definitely grieves and misses her daddy, but she doesn’t allow it to keep her from connecting with people or having fun.  I am thankful that Jaelyn seems to be working through her grief in a healthy way.  She talks about memories of her daddy, how life has changed since his death, missing him so very much, and what she misses most about daddy at any given moment.  Jaelyn comes out with thoughts and insight from time to time that just cause my jaw to drop in awe and amazement.

God has truly blessed me with a very special little girl that He has equipped with a wisdom and spiritual maturity at times that gives her the ability to face a most devastating loss and come through it with a joy in life and a sense of humor that is unexpected in these circumstances.  I love Jaelyn so much and am so proud of her!


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