
I have been reading from “Confessions of a Grieving Christian” by Zig Ziglar.   There was one section that really stood out to me --  “How much more meaningful any life experience is, and what joy and comfort it gives to the human heart, when we choose to see the miraculous in all things.  Every minute of life, every experience, has a touch of the miraculous in it.    We are wise to look for it, acknowledge it, and rejoice in it because the miraculous is evident even in losing a loved one.”

This made me think back over the past year as I have done lots of times since Scott’s death.  Even though God did not prevent Scott’s death, He definitely prepared things to help me handle things as smoothly as possible and to take care of Jaelyn and I. 

·         Scott and I agonized over the best investment of the money from the sale of a house in 2010.  We decided in April of this year that the best investment was to pay off our house.  I know that not too many people our age are in the financial position to own their home outright.

·         Scott worked for Philhaven for about a year on an as needed basis.  He only applied for and was accepted for a full-time position at the end of July.  Although his health benefits would have only kicked in September 1st, his life insurance kicked in August 1st – 10 days before his death.  I was not aware of this until a week after his death.

·         Because Scott was working second shift and I was working day shift – I decided to take off on Wednesday, August 8th so that we could spend a day together as a family.  We had an exceptionally good day as a family and also some couple time that day.  Scott died two days later.

·         I think about all the financial decisions that we made over the years we were married.  Scott thought outside of the box and took risks which were really hard for me to stretch my thinking.  Without his thinking outside the box and calculated risk taking, Jaelyn and I would probably be in a very tight position financially.  His forward thinking and planning (although the opposite of his personality in every other way) have allowed Jaelyn and I to be taken care of without financial stress with careful financial planning.

·         A “new” house “fell” into our laps within a couple of weeks after Scott’s death.  While a decision needed to be made quickly in terms of commitment to a property, the settlement and move are still in the future, allowing Jaelyn and I time to heal more before moving.  This move will provide more financial security now and in the future and is part of our careful financial planning.

These everyday miracles have spilled over and been observed  in the recent car accident that I was in. 

·         There was an eye witness to the accident.  As a result, the police never asked me what happened.

·         As a result of the eye witness, the police were able to give me a police report at the scene laying all responsibility for the accident on the other driver.

·         I had no injuries and Jaelyn was not with me at the time of the accident.

·         While standing in the car dealership filling out paperwork for the rental car, I noticed a vehicle in their sales lot that I really liked. After finding out the next day that my van was totaled, the dealership offered to trade the rental for this “new” vehicle to test drive it for a few days before making a decision.  I agreed and a day later settled for the “new” car.

·         All details from the accident will be settled within a week from the accident.  Everything moved so quickly and smoothly.

These lists are not complete lists as I know that I am forgetting many of the details, stories, and circumstances that helped smooth the way for Jaelyn and I.  When I think over the way all the details and tiny things fell into place both before and after both Scott’s death and the car accident, it gives me peace in a God who is in control.  I may never know why Scott’s life “had” to end so soon, but seeing God’s hands so clearly in control of the circumstances gives peace.  Honestly, knowing the answers to the why to Scott’s death would not make the loss hurt any less, so it doesn’t help me to focus on the why.  I strongly desire to see positive things come out of Scott’s death, but even if I never see those things, I know that Scott’s life changed and affected so many people for the better.


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