
Showing posts from 2019

Seasons of Soccer

This picture always reminds me of how much Scott loved Jaelyn and was willing to do whatever it took for her to do something she wanted to do.   See, soccer was pretty much the only sport that Scott didn’t play when he was growing up.  He began learning the rules watching our nephew and niece play before Jaelyn began playing.  When the YMCA needed a coach for Jaelyn’s team, despite not feeling capable or confident, Scott stepped up and volunteered to coach her team.  The YMCA provided a packet of the soccer rules for their age as well as suggested drills to do in practice.  I just found that packet today when I was going through and clearing out clutter.  The packet brought to mind the conversation that Jaelyn and I had last weekend.   We were talking about this season, her freshman year, and the challenges that she faced coming into the season - knee pain and not feeling 100% and feeling intimidated playing at the high school level. ...

6th Annual Scott Bradley Scholarship presentation

When this scholarship was established back in 2014, it was with the purpose of recognizing an adventurous spirit who takes many steps of faith throughout their youth career, including steps of faith in living out their walk with God, steps of faith in stepping up in leadership, and steps of faith in trying new things.    This year as I thought and prayed about the presentation and what to share,  God kept bringing Molli Colver to mind. In the world’s eyes both Scott and Molli were taken way too young.  Yet the impact of both their lives will be felt for eternity because of who they lived for.  In the celebration of life service for Molli and the stories and writing prompts that were shared, it was quickly evident who Molli was, who she lived for, and how to accept the gift of salvation.   I can’t think of a better way to describe a life well-lived - one that points others to Christ.  Molli understood that as Christians we are called to ...

47 years

47.  Today you would have been 47 years old.  You left us 6 1/2 years ago without warning.  While I take comfort in the fact that there is no sadness in heaven, I am sad for the moments and memories we “lost” with you and that you “lost” with us.  There is not a soccer game or significant event or accomplishment in Jaelyn’s life that I don’t think of you with sadness that you are “missing out.”    This is a time in her life that you would would have loved — watching her play soccer, winning awards at school, and growing into a beautiful young lady inside and out.  You would be busting out with pride of who Jaelyn is and her journey to get here, especially despite the trauma of losing you.  She has not allowed your loss to define who she is.  As much as I grieve the fact that Jaelyn doesn’t have you, I grieve the fact that you aren’t here to enjoy her growing up and maturing.  I remind her often of how much you loved her, protected h...

Family Photos

In June of 2012, we organized family pictures with Scott’s family, knowing that once our nephew, Nando, left for college in August it might be difficult to get everyone together at the same time, but not knowing that in a short six weeks Scott would be gone.  Those family pictures have been a tremendous treasure for all of us, as well as a reminder of the uncertainty of life.   I have regretted that we never did family pictures with my family before Scott’s death.  I think that one of the reasons we never did it was because of my brother, Jason, no longer being with us and any family picture would be incomplete.  After Scott’s death, this was even more the case, with both Scott and Jason gone.   About a year and a half ago, it really began to hit home that the longer we waited, the more likelihood that more loved ones could be missing from the pictures.  So for Christmas of 2017 Jaelyn and I gave my parents a gift certificate to have family pic...