Seasons of Soccer

This picture always reminds me of how much Scott loved Jaelyn and was willing to do whatever it took for her to do something she wanted to do. See, soccer was pretty much the only sport that Scott didn’t play when he was growing up. He began learning the rules watching our nephew and niece play before Jaelyn began playing. When the YMCA needed a coach for Jaelyn’s team, despite not feeling capable or confident, Scott stepped up and volunteered to coach her team. The YMCA provided a packet of the soccer rules for their age as well as suggested drills to do in practice. I just found that packet today when I was going through and clearing out clutter. The packet brought to mind the conversation that Jaelyn and I had last weekend. We were talking about this season, her freshman year, and the challenges that she faced coming into the season - knee pain and not feeling 100% and feeling intimidated playing at the high school level. ...