Family Photos

In June of 2012, we organized family pictures with Scott’s family, knowing that once our nephew, Nando, left for college in August it might be difficult to get everyone together at the same time, but not knowing that in a short six weeks Scott would be gone.  Those family pictures have been a tremendous treasure for all of us, as well as a reminder of the uncertainty of life.  

I have regretted that we never did family pictures with my family before Scott’s death.  I think that one of the reasons we never did it was because of my brother, Jason, no longer being with us and any family picture would be incomplete.  After Scott’s death, this was even more the case, with both Scott and Jason gone.  

About a year and a half ago, it really began to hit home that the longer we waited, the more likelihood that more loved ones could be missing from the pictures.  So for Christmas of 2017 Jaelyn and I gave my parents a gift certificate to have family pictures taken.  But life has a way of getting in the way of best laid plans.  Today we were finally able to have our family pictures taken.  It was bittersweet, knowing that we were missing two very special people from those pictures.  Although I believe that they would have complained about getting pictures taken as much as my dad (who said he would have rather gone shopping than have pictures taken) and Jaelyn! 

There was a lot of watching the weather forecast this week, but God blessed us with a beautiful day and probably the warmest day of the week so far, so we were able to do the photos outside.  Lots of laughter, cold, and snow, but at least the polar vortex was gone by the time we had our pictures taken.  It was interesting to be on the opposite end of the camera, but I am very excited and cannot wait to see the end results.


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