6th Annual Scott Bradley Scholarship presentation

When this scholarship was established back in 2014, it was with the purpose of recognizing an adventurous spirit who takes many steps of faith throughout their youth career, including steps of faith in living out their walk with God, steps of faith in stepping up in leadership, and steps of faith in trying new things.   

This year as I thought and prayed about the presentation and what to share,  God kept bringing Molli Colver to mind. In the world’s eyes both Scott and Molli were taken way too young.  Yet the impact of both their lives will be felt for eternity because of who they lived for.  In the celebration of life service for Molli and the stories and writing prompts that were shared, it was quickly evident who Molli was, who she lived for, and how to accept the gift of salvation.   I can’t think of a better way to describe a life well-lived - one that points others to Christ.  Molli understood that as Christians we are called to be the light in this world, even with the simple things that can brighten someone’s day such as a compliment, holding the door for someone, or a simple smile.  When Molli wrote a letter to herself as an adult, the three most important things that she wanted adult Molli to still have was an imagination, a sense of humor, and a love for God. I’m sure if Molli could share some advice with you right now, it would be how important it is to keep your love for God and to shine His light in the world, even and especially in the little things.

Each year I am excited to find out who has been chosen for the scholarship and a little bit about who they are, where they are going after graduation, and what career they are pursuing.  This year's winner is Gracey Lombardo.  She is planning on attending Lancaster Bible College (where I graduated) and majoring in counseling (my major there as well).  Congratuations Gracey!!!!


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