A Tribute to My Mom

Why is it that most of us do not tell our mother's on a regular basis how much we love and appreciate them? I know that I am guilty of not letting my mom know how much I love her and that I appreciate everything that she has done for me.

My mom didn't work outside of the home when my brother and I were little and only began working part-time after we were both in elementary school. I didn't realize at the time the sacrifices that my mom and dad made for my mom to be a stay-at-home mom. It is only since I have become a mom myself that I realize how difficult that must have been to make it work. Pinching pennies, looking for bargains, accepting hand-me-downs, and making it seem like we weren't lacking for anything. In reality, if you have love and family, you aren't lacking for anything, rather, you have everything that you could ever need. One thing my brother and I never doubted was that we were loved. My mom spent time reading to us, doing crafts with us, building huts for us (because the one's we tried to build fell down on us), and cheering us on in anything we tried to do.

I truly began to appreciate my mom's love for me and my brother after my brother's tragic work accident when he was 18 years old. For those of you who don't know my family's story, Jason was left severely handicapped after his accident. He was in rehab for about a year before my parents began fighting to have him come home and receive his medical care at home. They were able to persuade the insurance company that it was cheaper to build an addition onto my parent's home, pay nurses, and pay my mom's salary to care for Jason. Although I"m not sure my parents realized that magnitude of the job they were taking on, I know that even if they had known they still would have made the same decision knowing that it was what was best for Jason. I'm sure my mom didn't realize that taking on the care of a severely handicapped adult child would become her life 24/7 for the next 12 years. Taking care of Jason became the focus of my parents lives for 12 years. In the midst of those years my mom battled breast cancer, helped me plan a wedding, supported a few close friends and relatives as they battled terminal cancer, yet never stopped caring for Jason.

I know that my parents regret the times that they missed in my life in those 12 years and although I too wish that they had been able to be present for more times, I would never wish that they had not made the decision to take care of my brother. I know that if the tables had been turned and I had been the one severely handicapped, my parents would have made the same decision.

Being a mother now puts things in a much different perspective than just looking at my mom from a daughter's perspective. I appreciate the fact that my parents did not become over-protective after Jason's accident, but let me spread my wings and explore -- a missions trip to Alaska, a summer working in New England, rock climbing and rapelling with friends, white-water rafting. I know that deep inside my mom was probably very fearful and worried about each of these experiences, but she made a conscious effort that those worries and concerns would not hold me back. As a parent I think I now have a little understanding of how difficult that was for her. How do you face the severe injury to your child and eventual death and yet keep on smiling and keep on loving? My mom's love for Jason and I as well as her faith in God has kept her going. I can only hope that I will have the same strength and faith in God when I face trials and tragedies in my life.


I love you and appreciate you more than you will ever know. Thank for you believing in me, supporting me, encouraging me, and reminding me of what is most important in life. I am proud of you for how you took care of Jason, faced cancer with a positive attitude, supported and encouraged your brother and his family as they faced the death of a daughter, and helped some close friends and family members with terminal cancer. You have faced death in the face many times over the past 12 years and yet your faith in God is stronger than ever. You are not only my mom, but my best friend.

I love you!!!



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