New Hobby -- Clay jewelry and crafts with Sculpey Clay

One of my friends got me started making jewelry about 2 years ago.  I tried selling necklaces and earrings at one point early on but discovered that making money by making jewelry is not the easiest thing in the world especially since it seems like eveyone is into making jewelry.  I still enjoy making jewelry, but I am getting overloaded with necklaces.  I mean really, a person can only wear so many necklaces.  So just recently I decided to expand my jewelry making into actually making the beads and pendants themselves.  On a recent trip to Michael's, our local craft store, I discovered Sculpey clay that can be baked in a regular oven.  I bought a DVD put out by Sculpey on different processes and steps to making certain types of items, jewelry, luggage tags, picture frames, etc.  It teaches the basic techniques to obtaining certain basic looks that can be expanded on to make more elaborate pieces.  I have been experimenting with it the last couple of days and am really enjoying the creative process of working with different colors and techniques to create different looks and designs.  Yesterday I was playing around with green and ivory and made them into a cane -- when cut it looked like a green and white soccer ball -- very pretty.  Maybe next week I will have some necklaces finished with handmade beads and pendants to share on my blog.  This hobby requires a little bit of investment up front -- around $100 to $150 depending on the tools that you purchase.  After that initial investment, it is cheaper to make your own beads than to buy them.  However, there are still types of beads that I have not figured out how to make on my own or figured out if it is even possible to make at home, at least not without a specialized kiln to bake the beads.  My daughter has been very fascinated by the process and the end product and maybe next week I will be able to sit down and see if she can make some beads for herself.  Jaelyn is five years old, but loves to do crafts, especially anything that she sees her mom making.  I have been able to make personalized pendants with initials or names etched into them or built up on top of a basic pendant.  Those of you out there that have already discovered how much fun clay is to work with, send me pictures of your finished products -- I would love to see them! 
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