A day in my life

I'm just sitting in my dining room helping Jaelyn put the alphabet in order, using the letters and pictures -- sounding out words to figure out what letter they start with. She is doing well, although losing steam toward the end of the alphabet. We need to work on this more, but at least she is having fun learning this. Next to run bath water for Jaelyn, then some relaxing time.

I started this day with great intentions for sticking to Weight Watchers and made really good choices until dinner time. Jaelyn and I went to Infinitos Pizza Buffet with Bill and Lori Bertrand and the kids. It was sooo good, especially their cinnamon rolls and Chicken BBQ pizza. I seem to have such a hard time lately sticking to Weight Watchers -- it is discouraging. I have gained back about 7-8 pounds and really want to get back on track. I am working on some ideas to help me keep on track, but going to a restaurant like Infinitos definitely isn't the easiest place to go on Weight Watchers.

I am working through my recipes, and making an index card for each healthy recipe that I think I will make. On each index card I am writing the recipe title, WW points per serving, cookbook name, page number, and number of servings in each recipe. I am going to file them in little boxes, first by category (breakfast, main course, dessert, snack, etc.), second by points value, third by alphabetical order. I am hoping that this will make it easier to find ideas that fit within the points that I have each day, to fit points at each meal together almost like a puzzle. It will also help me to find recipes when I don't know where they are! I have so many cookbooks that I can never remember which book the recipe is in that I want. It is a lot of work, but I am hoping it will simplify things for me in the future.

I am trying out some new cookbooks, so hopefully will have some more fabulous low-fat healthy recipes to share in the future and maybe some more cookbook recommendations for fellow Weight Watcher's and healthy focused people.

I'm proud of myself today for tackling our extra bedroom. Since we moved it has become my catch-all room. I still have boxes in there for our yard sale and can't move them to the garage yet as there isn't room. At least I was able to stack them all along one wall out of the way. I was able to clear out the room and organize it so it is a nice sitting room for quiet reading or relaxing. I still need to vacuum, but the difference is dramatic! I feel like I accomplished so much by tackling that room.

Now I just need to get the garage organized, sorted for yard sale and items priced and ready to go for the big days! I think it will take at least a whole day to set up for the yard sale -- pray for sunshine! I don't think the garage (3 bays) is big enough to do a garage sale instead of a yard sale! Lots of good stuff will be for sale for great prices! Things will be priced to go!


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