Importance of Preventative Medicine
For those of you who have followed our journey over the five and a half years since Scott’s death, you will remember that our concern was to make sure that Jaelyn’s heart was healthy and that she was receiving preventative screenings since we weren’t 100% sure of what caused the severe blockages in Scott’s arteries. We decided, in consultation with Jaelyn’s pediatrician, to wait a little over a year after Scott’s death to complete the first screening for Jaelyn, in an effort to be more removed emotionally from the trauma of his death. So, four years ago when Jaelyn went through her first Cardiology screening, both Jaelyn and I were anxious about it. She was anxious because of new doctors, unusual (to her) tests, and bloodwork. Although I think the bloodwork was the biggest fear due to her very strong aversion to needles. I was anxious that something would show up on the tests or bloodwork. Jaelyn made it through the bloodwork with the support of Gran...