Easter in the Cemetery
This morning I felt drawn to go to the cemetery. I have never been to the cemetery on Easter day, although I come to the cemetery regularly in the 5 1/2+ years since Scott died. Seeing all the palm leaf and floral crosses and fresh spring flowers against the starkness of the bare trees, brown grass, stone grave stones, and grey skies is a vivid reminder of the joy to come when I see Christ and my loved ones face to face. I think of Scott and Jason, with hope for the day that there will no longer be sadness when I think of them. Rather we will be celebrating with Christ together. Seeing the sheer volume of spring flowers and crosses on scattered graves (as compared to an ordinary day), as well as the number of people still coming to place flowers and crosses on the graves is amazing to me. I truly was not expecting to see what I saw this morning. Today is one of the busiest days I have ever seen (other than Christmas) at the cemetery. It is impossible to drive or walk past more than a couple of graves without seeing fresh spring flowers, palm leave crosses, and floral crosses. Where better to see the hope of eternity than at the cemetery?! Coming to the cemetery on Easter is a needed reminder for me that this earth is temporary and eternal life is possible because of Christ’s sacrifice for me.

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