Shaken World and Shattered Expectations
I have had such a myriad of thoughts and emotions this weekend. Yesterday I had the privilege of taking a close friend to Scott’s grave for the first time. As I sit here thinking back over the time at the cemetery yesterday, I am struck with a few things. Being at the cemetery on Good Friday and talking about Scott’s death has really made me think about the emotions on the very first Good Friday. I can imagine the grief and despair flooding Jesus’s friends, disciples, and family. I don’t believe at that moment that any of them had any faith in Jesus returning from the dead. After all, other than a few people they had not seen anyone come back from the dead – and those people were raised from the dead by Jesus’s hand. I can picture Mary and Mary Magdalene approaching the tomb after the Sabbath. I can imagine the grief overwhelming them as they were facing the reality of Jesus’s death. Then seeing the Angel of the Lord roll away the stone...