Random Positive Things!

I'm feeling very scattered today, so as a result today's post may seem just as scattered -- you will be able to see that I have a lot on my mind and going on. 

After two and a half months of job hunting, I have been offered and accepted a position with Lebanon County Children and Youth Services!  I will be working as a foster care caseworker.  I worked for Lebanon Co. CYS about 10 years ago in the same position.  The bonus on having a new job is being able to work with the same supervisor that I worked with 10 years ago.  To some people that may not seem like a bonus, but having a terrific supervisor makes any job easier to do.  I am excited to be returning to work and particularly in a job that I like, with a good supervisor, excellent benefits, and relatively close to home (only a 15-20 minute commute.

On the other bright side, I am almost ready to list my first jewelry on Etsy.com.  Hopefully I will have about six listing on my site:  http://houseofcraftiness.etsy.com/.  I will post again once my shop is up and running.  I have a link on my blog connecting to my shop and will also have a gallery of items that are for sale in my shop.  Check it out next week!

This week is my daughter, Jaelyn's tumbling class performace.  The girls are doing a tumbling routine to "It's a Hardknock Life" from Annie.  Jaelyn is playing the role of Annie and is doing an excellent job.  I'm hoping that she doesn't get freaked out by the audience and refuse to do it!  I will try to post video of it on my facebook page after the show. 

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