My Rambling Thoughts

Well, the BIG yard sale is over. Whew!  Glad it is done -- hope to never have to do that again!  We probably sold about 50% of what we had -- made around $1000, so did really well.  We sent most of the leftover items to a church thrift shop.  What a free and light feeling to have all those belongings gone and lots of open space in our garage.  I could even get my bike out easily to take a bike ride yesterday!  I still need to organize what is left and clear out some more trash, but it looks so much better already!  Now I feel like I can move on and spend more time on my job search.  I have one interview scheduled and am waiting to hear a date and time for another interview.  I am very interested in both jobs, so very excited about the interviews!  

I've also been working on getting my shop up and going on to sell some of my jewelry.  Hopefully will have my first items posted in the next couple of days, then will see if I can do a side business with jewelry.  I think my brain is mentally tired from the yard sale and have had trouble getting my thoughts together to set up each part of the shop on Etsy.   I have printed out many of Etsy's guides to setting up the best shop possible, now I just need to sit down and read through each, get my thoughts together and finalize the details to my shop --  Keep checking the link in the next few days for my first listings of necklaces and earrings. is a unique website for only handmade/homemade items (as well as some vintage items and supplies -- but mostly handmade items).  They have some truly unique items and they come direct from the people who created them.  Thanks to my friend Stu for cluing me in to this website -- I hadn't heard of it until he recommended that I consider selling my jewelry on their website. 

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