9th Annual Scott Bradley Adventurous Life Scholarship

This year's scholarship winner is Kyla Ebersole!  Congratulations Kyla!!

This morning was the 9th Annual Scott Bradley Adventurous Life Scholarship presentation.  It is really hard to believe that I have been presenting this scholarship for 9 years and that it will soon be 10 years since Scott's death.   I hate speaking in front of large groups of people, but every year it is special to be able to take a moment to remember Scott's life and speak into the current high school graduates from our church.  I was particularly anxious this morning since I haven't presented the scholarship since 2019 due to COVID in 2020 and another commitment in 2021 on Youth Sunday.  God always settles my nerves once I am up front for the most part, but today God's calmness took over completely once I was up front.  I am thankful for the various people who were praying for calmness for me.

Below is what I shared with this year's graduates.

From the time that I met Scott, he had a love of God, adventure, family and friends, and food.  Anything that he did, he threw all of himself into it.   His first knee surgery came as a result of playing “Hunter” with the middle school youth group.  He loved working with kids, partly because I don’t think he ever completely grew up and it was a good excuse to be silly. 

Scott always had a love for God and this was evident in his life as well.  He was very deliberate in setting goals and dreaming big.  He would write these down on random pieces of paper and in books he was reading.  These weren’t just random meaningless words on paper to him, they became the core of who he was and the principles that he lived by.  I want to share a few of these with you.   

Have and experience adventure every day

Sing - worship and silly songs

Remember that each day is a gift from God

Dream a lot

Share Christ with others

Praise God

Spend Time in Prayer

Have a meaningful time with God

Dream about Heaven and being with God

Be playful, silly, and imaginative

Be afraid of nothing

Believe that God works in every second of life.  

My challenge for you is to be deliberate in how you live your life for God and always look for adventure.  


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