Well done good and faithful servant!
This evening as I process the news of the sudden death of one of my college professors, my mind is swirling with memories. I first met Dr. Fairman in a new student orientation class in January 1994 when I transferred into Lancaster Bible College. There were only about 8-10 students in that class and he made that class fun. Dr. Fairman had such a terrific sense of humor and a great laugh, one that I still hear in my mind whenever I think of him. Later on I had him for Bible classes as well. Dr. Fairman was more than “just” one of my professors. Because my job in college was in the Registrar’s office, which was in the same area as the Academic Dean and all the professors’ offices, I had an opportunity to know Dr. Fairman other than as a student in his classes. I spent a lot of time hanging out in his office before or after work just talking. Dr. Fairman was interested in really knowing people. He didn’t settle for just the superficial, he wa...