7th Annual Scott Bradley Adventurous Life Scholarship
This is the 7th annual presentation of the Scott Bradley Adventurous Life scholarship. Normally this would be presented during our youth Sunday honoring our graduates. As this year has been anything but normal, things have been done differently this year and the scholarship was presented at the Senior picnic on June 17th, 2020. There were two winners this year: Juliette Forry and Kyle Myer. Congratulations to both of you! This is what I shared with the winners of this year's scholarship. Normally I would have the chance to share with you and your fellow graduates face to face some of the thoughts laid on my heart by God. But as you have already realized this year is anything but normal. There are many memes, cartoons, and shirts floating out there declaring this class the Quarantine class. And certainly the way this year has gone will affect the way you see and think about things for years to come. But my hope for you ...