Presenting the third annual Scott Bradley Scholarship Award

Today I had the honor and blessing of presenting the third annual Scott Bradley Scholarship Award at our church for Youth Sunday for a graduating senior showing great faith and adventure in their walk with God.  As always, God was working ahead of time.  This year, due to one of Scott’s investments coming to fruition, I was able to contribute double financially what I have been able to contribute the first two years.  Normally I would not share the financial side of this, but it is a vital part of understanding God working in all of this.  I made this decision a couple of weeks ago prior to the selection process (which is completely done by the youth and youth leaders) for the winner.  Imagine my surprise when I arrived at church this morning and found out that this year there was a tie for the winner!  Yet, why should I be surprised?   God provided financially for the tie ahead of time (in fact, four years ago — as this investment was initiated by Scott a couple of months before his death).  My congratulations and thanks for following God and stepping out in faith go to this year’s winners — Nora Long and Nate  Lyons!!!

Below is what I had the honor of sharing with this year’s graduating seniors and the rest of the youth and church body.

It has now been almost four years since Scott’s death and it has been a journey of faith as much as a journey of grief.  I could talk about the challenges and the pain but what I really want to talk about is the growth that comes from challenging circumstances and being stretched beyond my own capabilities.  It was easy to trust in God when everything was going well, but after Scott’s death, when every step felt like I was about to take a step off of a cliff, it was difficult to keep taking that step forward.  Only with God’s strength was I able to keep moving forward.  That strength came from spending time in Scripture and surrounding myself with people who allowed me to share my thoughts and feelings and gently kept me pointed toward God.  With graduation comes a big new chapter in your lives.  There are lots of unknowns and no guarantees.  I challenge you to look at this as a journey of faith — continue to seek God in Scripture and surround yourselves with people who will listen and gently keep you pointed toward God, no matter the circumstances.  And I promise, you will find God’s strength and hope to walk through any challenge life will throw at you.


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