2015 Scott Bradley Memorial Scholarship Award

Today was the presentation of the second annual Scott Bradley Memorial Scholarship Award.  I'm thankful for the chance to honor Scott's memory and his legacy, especially by investing in our youth.  Scott always enjoyed working with the youth and it is very fitting that his memory is honored in this way.

The winner of the 2015 Scott Bradley Memorial Scholarship Award is Mikayla Ragsdale.

As with last year's presentation, I again had an opportunity to share a few words that God laid on my heart with the graduating seniors and the rest of the congregation.  I have included here what I shared this morning.

When Pastor Ken talked a few weeks ago during the community series about picturing worst case scenario and asking God what then, I realized that I have faced worst case scenario.   The hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life was tell my then seven year old daughter that her father had died and was in heaven with her Uncle Jason.  Then an even bigger challenge began – to figure out how to guide a seven year old through the grief of the biggest loss she could ever imagine while figuring out how to get myself through that same journey and keep our faith in God. 

I’m going to be completely honest – it was hard.  Yet this church, this community, came around us and blessed us.  People reached out to us in cards, hugs, stepping in and saying, “let us do this for you,” prayers, and new friendships.  People reached out specifically to Jaelyn – letting her know that she wasn’t alone, listening to her share in her Sunday school class, and encouraging her.  And I have seen her faith blossom and mature as she has healed.  And this community has had a huge part in that.

You are at a time in your life when it is easy to be drawn away from community, especially the community of Christ.  You are becoming adults, you want to be independent and make your own decisions – and that is good.  The most important advice I can give you is don’t forget the vital importance of Christ and the community of Christ. Find a way to remain connected – whether it is in this community of believers or a community of believers at college.  When the bumps in life come – and they will come – the community of Christ are God’s hands and feet.  They were how we saw God’s presence in the darkest days and helped to keep our faith strong and growing.


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