
Showing posts from October, 2014

Trajectories of Tried Faith

I recently picked up a devotional book that I hadn’t looked at for about six months while I was using other devotionals.  Sometimes I get frustrated with myself for jumping back and forth between devotions without finishing a book.  However, I am coming to realize that God uses those changes to speak to me.  I began reading one of the devotions and it really struck me, then glanced at the next one and realized that it was an almost seamless continuation of the first one I read. These devotions were written by Kathy Ferguson Litton who became a widow at the age of 45.  A friend told her “that because of my husband’s death my life would take an entirely new trajectory.  She said I would ‘begin to go places I would have never gone before, meet people I would have never known before, and understand things I would have never known before.’”    WOW – that has certainly been true for me.  When I think of all the new and precious friendships that God...

The Storm

Prayer.  So often it is easy to say to someone, “I am praying for you” -- Yet later forget to pray or even dismiss it as not helpful.  I can certainly attest to the strength of prayers.  I know that there are many times over the last two years that I cannot explain where the strength came from to get up and keep moving forward -- those times when it felt as if quicksand was pulling me down.  Inexplicably there would be strength to take the first step, and then the next.  The only explanation comes a day or two later when someone would share with me that they had been praying for us.  Since hearing about little Sarah’s battle with cancer my heart has been crying for her, her parents, and her family.  I doubt if an hour goes by each day in the last couple of weeks that my thoughts don’t turn to her – and then prayers for her and her family.  It is so easy to be discouraged by medical reports and feel hopeless – forgetting that the God of t...

Unexpected Treasures

Two years ago after Scott’s death I went through all the photos and video clips that I had on our computer.  After talking with family, there was one video in particular that I was trying to find.  When I couldn’t find it on any of the computers and old photo discs I assumed that it had been deleted at some point.  I was so disappointed as it was a very funny video in which Scott is the operator of the video camera.  He isn’t pictured in the video but rather is narrating while he was videoing.  A few months ago I gave my dad our little digital video camera to use for hunting and trapping since we hadn’t used it in years.  Just this week they looked at the videos they had taken and noticed that there were many more videos on it than they had done.   Today I finally had a chance to download those videos and see what was on the camera.  Like a treasure, hidden for years, the video clip that I had been craving for the past two years was on t...