Trajectories of Tried Faith
I recently picked up a devotional book that I hadn’t looked at for about six months while I was using other devotionals. Sometimes I get frustrated with myself for jumping back and forth between devotions without finishing a book. However, I am coming to realize that God uses those changes to speak to me. I began reading one of the devotions and it really struck me, then glanced at the next one and realized that it was an almost seamless continuation of the first one I read. These devotions were written by Kathy Ferguson Litton who became a widow at the age of 45. A friend told her “that because of my husband’s death my life would take an entirely new trajectory. She said I would ‘begin to go places I would have never gone before, meet people I would have never known before, and understand things I would have never known before.’” WOW – that has certainly been true for me. When I think of all the new and precious friendships that God...