Healing - A Photo Journey

Today was one of those good days, despite having to push myself through a few times.  Healing is happening, although when you are in the thick of it, it is hard to see.  I can see my healing in my writing.  I can see Jaelyn's healing in pictures.  I am most grateful for Jaelyn's healing and treasure the visual journey.  Pictures say a thousand words. 

Two months after Scott's death - refusing to have picture taken 

 Four months after Scott's death -- Only in picture out of threat of consequences if she didn't get a picture taken with her cousins.

 Nine months after Scott's death -- In the picture, but not really smiling

 One year after Scott's death, posing for picture willingly, still no smile.

1 year 2 months after Scott's death -- now the smiles-- although forced -- start

 1 year 4 months - still forced smile 

1 year 8 months after Scott's death - genuine smile 

1 year 10 months after Scott's death - genuine smile and actually requested to have her picture taken

 Two years after Scott's death - No hesitation, no arguing, no fake smile, just a genuine happy smile when she realized that the camera was on her.

I am so thankful that despite all my agonizing, prayers, and worries that Jaelyn was healing, she has and is a beautiful girl inside and out.  She treasures the things that she is good at because her daddy taught her how to do it.  And treasures the memories of the times he spent with her -- even if her favorite memory is of going for slushies almost every day!


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