Big and Bold with Childlike Faith
Over the last week, God has brought prayer to my mind again and again. Last week I was praying for a specific health situation with a family member. All my prayers were that the health issue would be identified and would be treatable. Yet when the answers came from those health tests, God chose to answer in a way I didn’t think was possible – all the tests were normal and there was nothing to be concerned about. Then, sitting in church on Sunday, absorbing Pastor Daryl’s message about prayer, it was hard to contain myself. The thoughts bursting through my head in response to Pastor Daryl’s message and illustrations were hard to keep up with, specifically the encouragement to pray big and bold prayers. What we think of as big and bold, God can and will outdo. Yet we are always surprised when He does do it. It is too easy to put God in a box, forgetting that He is the God of the universe and He CAN AND WILL DO even the impossible. ...