Finding Hidden Treasures


I spent this evening, with my parent’s help, sorting through what probably amounted to about four filing cabinet’s worth of notebooks, papers, bank statements, financial records, and keepsakes that have been stored in our garage for years.  Most of the paperwork was dated prior to Jaelyn’s birth, so that gives you an idea of what kind of pack rats that Scott and I were – mostly Scott, although I had my share of stuff too.  I don’t think Scott ever threw away a pay stub, bank statement, notebook, or scrap of paper.  I learned that oil was $1.49 a gallon in 2004 when Jaelyn was born – contrast that with over $3/gallon now.  I found  what appears to be every single paper I ever wrote in college – I’m sure that there are a few missing, but probably not too many.  There were stacks upon stacks of genealogy information from my family and Scott’s family too.  Old photos stuck in here and there, when we both looked much younger – I was much thinner and Scott had a lot of hair!  It was like looking through a time capsule, buried for years.  We got a few chuckles over some of the things we found, such as my college papers, receipts (how much cheaper things were just 10 years ago), etc.  There were old letters written from Scott to his grandparents, friends to Scott, and from me to Scott.  These were glimpses into the happy and sad moments in the past, captured in the emotions of the moment.  How much different those emotions are now looking back with the wisdom of time and life experience!  Some of those letters I was glad to throw away – some things are best left in the past, but some of those letters are treasures.  I found Scott’s sticker album – how many of you remember collecting stickers in a sticker album?  Probably one of the cheaper things we have collected in our lives!  By the end of the night, everything was narrowed down to about 25% to keep and the rest to get rid of.  It is amazing how clearing out the clutter helps me to realize the treasures that I do have.  Treasures in memories – memories of good times and memories of lessons learned.   Now I just need to clear out that same clutter in the house, to leave room to highlight the treasures.


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