Daddy's Hands

Today, as I was sitting in a high school life skills classroom observing a child, I heard a song playing that I haven't heard in years, maybe not even since our wedding.  "Daddy's Hands" by Holly Dunn was sung by close friends, Kent and Dee Davis, at our wedding, just after my dad gave me away.  I chose this song for our wedding to honor my dad who has been a very important part of my life and continues to be a very important and special part of my life.  I cannot imagine how Jaelyn and I would have made it through the last nine months without my father (both my parents actually, but this is about daddies).  Not only has he cried with me and listened to me, but my dad has been there helping in every way imaginable.  He has done things for me that I didn't even see needed done and handled things that I just didn't have the emotional and mental strength to take care of.  My dad has been there for me every step along the way my whole life.

Sitting there listening to that song today, first it hit me because it had been played in our wedding, and second - and hardest -- it hit me how much the words of that song could be sung by Jaelyn about her daddy.  She was so blessed to have a wonderful father who loved her enough to cuddle with her, loved her enough to correct her when she was wrong, loved her enough to work long hours to make sure that we were taken care of, loved her enough to teach her all the things he loved most, and loved her enough to take great pride and pleasure in the person that she was.  As much meaning as this song had for me when I think of my relationship with my father, this song will have even more meaning for Jaelyn.

When I think about Scott, one of the things that I long for the most is to feel the touch of his hand on mine.  Scott had strong, but gentle hands.  He could push Jaelyn hard in the swing, yet gently wipe away her tears.  Scott had patient hands, taking time to teach Jaelyn over and over again until she "got" how to do something.  Scott had calloused hands -- he was never afraid of hard work and worked hard for everything he had and to make a better life for Jaelyn and our family.  Scott had playful hands -- always taking time to have fun and enjoy life.  Scott had prayerful hands -- seeking to see God in everything.  Scott had generous hands -- looking for ways to help friends, not seeking attention, but in love.  If all Jaelyn learns in life are the lessons learned through her daddy's hands, then I know she has learned the important things in life.


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