In Awe of God's Timing

I don't know why I am always surprised when God takes care of me or has the timing of things so perfect.  You would think that I would expect that from God by now.  Today I received a card in the mail from friends from church, Jay and Geri O'Neal.  As far as I know neither of them have read my blog.  Yet in the card that I received from them was included two devotionals from the Daily Bread Devotional.  One of them was dated August 27, Monday, entitled The New Normal.  This was the same day that I wrote my blog titled "Normal."  I would like to include an excerpt that speaks to what I wrote in my blog on Monday: 

A pastor, who was trianed in trauma and grief counseling, commented that the greatest challenge for people who are hurting is often not the immediate heartache of the loss. Instead, the biggest problem is adjusting to the different life that follows.  What once was normal may never be normal again.  When our "new normal" comes, it's easy to think no one understands how we feel.  But that isn't true.  Our Savior lived a perfect life, yet He also knew the pains of a broken world.  He endured sorrow; He suffered agony.  And He stands ready to encourage us when the dark moments of life force us to embrace a new normal.

The second devotional that the O'Neals included in their card was from Tuesday, August 28, Tuesday.  This one talked about the managing editor of the Daily Bread who had gone out for a lunchtime jog and died of a heart attack.  It talked about this man's combination of a quest for excellence mixed with an enjoyable personality.  The title was Serve Well With Joy.  I think that Scott did this and it was obvious to those who came in contact with him.

Both of these devotionals were an encouragement to me as I'm sure the O'Neals hoped that they would be. Please don't ignore God's urges to do something.  Following God's prompting may allow you to provide a blessing and encouragement to someone that really needed it at that exact moment, that you may not have known needed it. It truly sent chills up my spine when I opened that card and read the devotional for Monday for the exact issue I was struggling with that day.


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