
Well, I seem to have less and less time to keep up with the blog.  I have been so busy with work, Jaelyn's soccer games, getting ready for Jaelyn's birthday, etc.  Now I am the proud mother of a 6 year old daughter.  I'm still trying to figure out where the last 6 years have gone!  It seems like just yesterday that she can in my arms for the first time. I am very proud of the girl she has become.  Jaelyn is very compassionate and caring.  She is a bubbly, active girl, who is almost always ready to try something new (activities that is, she is getting better about trying new foods!).  Jaelyn has a determined personality and applies that determination to anything she tries.  This year she tried soccer for the first time.  Jaelyn began in September and the season just ended last weekend.  The difference in her skill from the first game to the last game was amazing to watch.  Jaelyn became a very skilled and instinctive defensive player for her team.  Toward the end of the season, Jaelyn hurt her hip, but did not want to miss any games.  She played two games with her hip hurting, limping around the field, but not once did she ask us or the coaches not to play.  It has been fun to watch Jaelyn in kindergarten this year -- she is so determined to learn how to read and write.  Almost every day she is asking how to spell words as she so desperately wants to be able to write.  I think she is more interested in learning how to write than the reading part.  Her handwriting is improving dramatically.  It is fun to watch her excitement at learning new things -- her favorite special classes are library and music.  

We just celebrated Jaelyn's sixth birthday.  It is bittersweet as my brother's birthday is 3 days after Jaelyn's birthday.  Because their birthdays are so close together, every year I think about Jason up in heaven looking down and watching Jaelyn and laughing at her antics and funny things she says and does.  Jason would have loved her so much and enjoyed watching her.  I wish that Jaelyn would have had a chance to meet her uncle Jason and that Jason would have had a chance to see her before his death. 

I love you Jaelyn, and I am very proud of you and to be your mom!


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