I'm Back!!!
Well, it has been a long time since I posted anything. I have been pretty busy. I started a new job at the end of June, working as a foster care caseworker for Lebanon County Children and Youth Services. It has been challenging balancing working a full-time traditional job with time for my family and myself. I think I am finally feeling settled in at work. There have been some challenging moments along the way. It was particularly difficult when Jaelyn was sick and I still had to go to work. Since I have never worked a traditional job since she was born, I have never had to leave her to go to work when she was sick. Scott took good care of her, but it still tore at my heart to leave for work when she wasn't feeling well. I recently purchased an Amazon Kindle. For those of you who aren't tech savy -- the Kindle is an e-reader. I have been spending so much more time reading that I haven't had time to be on the internet or...