Getting Organized

We spent quite a bit of the day getting organized. Jaelyn and I spent about two hours in her bedroom, organizing, putting things away, and boxing up things she doesn't play with to sell at our yard sale that we are planning for Memorial Day Weekend.

Then Scott and I spent some time taking pictures of things to post on Craig's list for sale, trying to downsize, simplify, and clean-out. Why we ever left things get to this point, I will never know. I'm not sure why we never took the time to get rid of stuff over the years. At least now we have the time to work on cleaning out. Then the challenge becomes not buying things we don't need, and getting rid of clothing and other items when we are done with them.

We went to Lowes tonight to get a hose for the outside faucet, a weed-wacker, and new light bulbs for the kitchen light. Our kitchen light has 40 watt bulbs in it. About a week ago I bought new light bulbs for the light only to discover that it is an unusual fixture and the neck of the new light bulbs were too big. Well, tonight we were at Lowes and I bought 4 light bulbs for the kitchen light with the candelabra size neck. Got home to discover that this time the neck of the light bulbs were too small. Hopefully next time will be the charm and I am able to find the right size light bulb with the right size neck. I'm tired of my kitchen light being about as bright as a nightlight.

It was interesting as when we were at Lowes tonight, I ran into a friend of mine from high school that I hadn't seen in almost 18 years -- probably not since the day we graduated from high school. It is amazing how some people haven't changed at all and others are barely recognizable as the same person. Laurie definitely hasn't changed hardly at all. Our daughters are about the same age (7 months difference in age) and seemed to hit it off really well. I may have to see about a play date for Jaelyn with Ella. It was good to see Laurie and get caught up. I often wonder how I lost contact with friends from high school and college.


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